Clipper City Pale Ale

Clipper City Brewing Company was started in 1995 right here in Baltimore by Hugh Sisson. They have managed to produce a great range of fine microbrew beers. The beer that I am reviewing today is their Pale Ale. Let’s start with the basics.
- Appearance: The visual appearance is a strong golden amber color, near copper. Its very clear and when poured into a glass it attains a bright white head with good to average retention.
- Aroma: A simple earthy hop is what I get from this, but not without a strong British malt characteristic that is almost buttery.
- Palate: This ale has a lightly roasted malt flavor that quickly turns into a bitter pine hop flavor.
- Taste: Lightly carbonated and mellows out fairly quick. The balance is quite well, almost to good because there’s almost no aftertaste at all.
- Location: McSweeney’s Brick Oven Pub – Baldwin, Maryland
Clipper City Pale Ale is a good beer that every pale ale drinker should try at least once. I poured my bottle into a pint glass and watched it bubble up. Looked great, and after it calmed down I took a few sniffs and it seemed to smell just right for a pale ale. So I began to take a few sips and noticed quickly that the carbonation was light to medium, not as much as I expected it to have. The flavor was dialed in just right, but I wanted it to stay around a little while longer. As I mentioned earlier it was so balanced that it had almost no aftertaste at all. I feel that this pale ale is one that the regular pale ale guys won’t be buying time after time. Who is it a good beer for? It’s a great choice for someone who wants something a little different from their regular beer, Miller Light, Bud Light but doesn’t want to stray too far from their beer comfort zone. I’ve had mine, now its your turn. Enjoy!
For more information goto Clipper City Brewing Company online at www.ccbeer.com

The company rebranded itself in 2010, while the actual business name remains “Clipper City” the packaging and labels read Heavy Seas. Their production according to the wiki is 34,000 barrels a year. Still brewed in Baltimore, Maryland. Visit www.HSbeer.com for more info. See website for brewery tour information.