Instagram Is On Fire
I like to put things simple, and simply put beer is social. Alcoholic beverages are social.
Beer Is Social
Beer in itself is a very social beverage. For decades, no, make that centuries, friends and families alike have been sharing drinks.
To celebrate a victory, a marriage or defeat. Regardless of the situation it’s still social.
Beer Is Visual
Beer is also very visual and that my friends lends to why I love Instagram. I focus almost all of all the Twisted Hops social media time on Instagram.
The posts on Instagram are quick and easy. SImple to use and the #CraftBeer community is very active in social media, especially Instagram. It also helps that I love photography.
In less than 2 years and 228 posts our followers have grown to over 7,300.
That’s a big deal to me and I’m proud of it More than that, I’m thankful for all my followers.
I still can’t believe that over 7000 people are interested in my beer and food photos. That’s awesome.
Buy Followers
No, No way, Never going to happen. I don’t buy followers or likes and I don’t use any type of scam to make people follow Twisted Hops. They follow because they want too.
What’s Next
I plan on growing Twisted Hops followers to over 10,000. 10k followers seems like an unattainable goal but it’s my next step and I’m going to make it. With this goal in place I want to do a give-a-way when the goal has been reached.
The give-a-way shall be somthing cool and useful at the same time and of course beer related. It’s what we do.
Instagram Is On Fire
Instagram is one of the largest social media portals in the world. Instagram is on fire. If you aren’t on Instagram yet please do yourself a favor and sign-up. It’s Free!
Second, thing I want you to do is follow me! Just search TwistedHops and you’ll find me. I’ll see you there.
A BIG Thank You to all my followers!!!!