
Twisted Hops is about riding and the twisted paths that we take in life. While cruising the town on a vintage Vespa, BMW GS, or even a little Honda I’m sharing my thoughts. From food and drink, books and bikes, and riding adventures.
I’ve often found enjoyment in taking photos and videos of my rides. Why? I believe it’s because of the opportunity to save and capture that moment and have the ability to share it with others. As well as looking back at these trips personally and remember the unique places I’ve been to, the people I’ve met along the way, and the friends that ride with me. Memories are created, and those memories bring birth to stories to then be told and rehashed to others around the campfires of tomorrow.
What’s life without stories?
Deep For A Moment
Riding allows oneself to enter another world, bringing rare unleashed freedom to the inner soul. The true soul that’s a wanderer, a wanderlust that doesn’t get out often enough in our hectic lives. This brings to the surface deeper thoughts and understandings of ourselves, nature, and of mankind and often leaves us wanting more. Wishing it didn’t have to stop and quickly return to a daily grind. But maybe it’s the daily grind that drives us to do more.
Don’t forget to hop off the hamster wheel once and a while. Run your own path, it’s refreshing.

One thing I noticed early on is that it doesn’t matter what you ride. Adventures are had regardless. Every time I embark on a ride it’s an adventure. Simply put “motorcycling is an adventure”.
Riding with friends is a great experience, and then there’s the solitude of solo rides which are equally as much if not more enjoyable. These solo rides are 100% my time, my ride, stop when I want, take photos, and keep riding as long as I want. There’s a sense of absolute freedom that you have on those trips. Creating memories as each digit clicks on the odometer of life.
Having fun locally and not being able to disappear for months on end while doing an around-the-world tour has made me take advantage of what I have around me. I’m currently living in the town of Fallston, Maryland, USA and I’m only an hour away from some greatest scenic places to ride on the east coast, so I do.
Often my trips take me to Pennslyvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. There are more forests and fantastic scenic overlooks than I’d ever imagined. Come along and see them with me.
Buy the ticket, and take the ride. Do it, do it now.
Carpe Diem
Ray Corkran
Twisted Hops