Killer Cranberry Bread
I love the taste of cranberries, try your hand at this Killer Cranberry Bread. I’ve been hooked on cranberries since I was a little boy. My first memory of cranberry was from a can, however I have been told that…
Simple Artisan Bread Recipe
So you want to learn how to make fast and easy bread that will blow your mind? That’s exactly what I am going to show you, a simple artisan bread recipe. My children make better bread than most restaurants. No Joke!…
Almost Traditional Irish Soda Bread
This is another bread which I have been planning on making for some time now and just had the chance to make it today. The name alone “Irish Soda Bread” make you want to taste it. There is a lot…
Herb Bread Loaf
Dough Here is my latest creation before it hits the oven, an Herb Bread loaf. Baked for 30 minutes at 425 degrees on a pizza stone in an electric oven. Cooling Ready to eat Here it is sliced after the…
Homemade Bread Magazine
So, I was at Lowes the other day with my family and saw this magazine and had to get it. Recipes Like Chocolate Pan Dule Monkey Bread Spicy Pumpkin Bread Irish Soda Bread Russian Black Rye Bread Naan (traditional…